Step 1
The deck consists of 54 cards: 40 players, 12 (4x3) move cards. There 3 actions in the game: 3pt, 2pt and assist.


Step 2
Cards get shuffled. Each player gets 4 player cards and 3 move cards. Move cards are the same and are taken back after each move.
4 players

3 actions
Step 3
Each card has 3 offensive and 3 countering defensive stats.
Offensive oriented

Defensive oriented
Step 4
On your turn, select a player card (face-up) and an attack move (face-down).
Player card

Move card
Step 5
Your opponent attempts to guess which move you picked (3PT, 2PT, or Assist) and, based on that, chooses a defensive card. Bluffing is welcome.
Player 1 attack

Move card

Player 2 decides to defend 2pt
Step 6
Action card gets revealed. Offensive 3pt(Currie): 99 > Defensive 3pt(Grime): 94. Therefore Player 1 scores 3 points.
Player 1 attack

Move card

Player 2 defense
Step 7
Both players take new player cards from the deck. And now Player 2 attacks.
Player card

Move card
Step 8
He wants to manipulate Player 1 into playing a strong defensive card by faking shooting a 3pt while assisting to his better scoring option.
Player 2 attacks

Move card

Player 1 decides to defend 3pt
Step 9
Action card gets revealed. Offensive Assist(Luka): 97 > Defensive Steal(Herb): 85. Therefore Player 2 can continue his move.
Player 2 attack

Move card

Player 1 defense
Step 10
Assists can be stacked. But in this case, Player 2 decies to shoot 2pt and, fastering the process, he scores 2 points because Offensive 2pt(Foxx): 89 > Defensive 2pt(Cade): 79.
Player 2 new attack

Player 1 new defense

Step 11
If somebody scores 21 points, the game is over.